PixxelPoint 2/[n]

The second project I showed at Pixxelpoint last month was a version of a RootIO radio station called “Alert Transmissions,” essentially a festival radio station that ran for over a week. M-ITI researcher Petra Zist, coincidentally Slovenian, did a great job interviewing people, recording workshops, broadcasting concerts, and teaching community members how to run the radio; the last few days of transmission were all coordinated by locals who had never used the system before.

WhatsApp Image 2019-11-25 at 22.02.09.jpeg
WhatsApp Image 2019-11-25 at 22.09.59.jpeg

PixxelPoint 1/[n]

Last week I unleashed two projects Pixxelpoint, an electronic art and culture festival in Nova Gorica, Slovenia, and over the border in Gorizia, Italy. Slovenia is an epicenter of electronic art and posthumanism, having been a locus for the prescient net.art movement; supporting famous galleries like Kapelica and the Kersnikova Institute; and education programs turning out significant new media artists, like the one at University of Nova Gorica. It was a fantastic festival. Here are some photos of the DJ, I Robot Sound System v2020: